1 Gender gaps in Chile: An international and sub-national comparison Gender Equality in Chile : Towards a Better Sharing of Paid and Unpaid Work

At least not in northern Europe, where only having a foreing name can be problematic. By the way, Europe is not all the same, it´s no the same Albania and Iceland, Romania and Finland…etc. Really liked reading this, i believe it´s true, i lived in Utah for 11 years and moved back to Chile, and can clearly see the diffence between people. When will people learn to unite and not separate themselves from others just because of money. It sounds a foreigner own paternalism that sees us as an underdeveloped country. I have traveled around Europe and see what i have felt racism as i have ever lived un my country.

Beginning July 1, 2011, the subsidy for the low-income workers, the same amount as the employers’ subsidy, will be deposited into a worker’s individual account each time the worker contributes. A 2004 study by the AFP Association (Asociación AFP 2004a) found that for every year a worker retired early, the worker’s pension decreased on average between 7 percent and 10 percent. Between 2002 and 2004, on average, women retired 7 years early and men 9 years early. Some of these workers also withdrew the find more at https://latindate.org/south-american-women/pros-and-cons-of-marrying-a-chilean-woman/ excess funds from their accounts, which further reduced their benefit.

There’s just some things about the culture that I don’t like and think can be improved, especially if Chile wants to compete on the world stage as a OECD, developed country. Just because there’s a list of things that I don’t particularly like doesn’t mean that there’s not a list just as long or longer about great things about Chile. Leaving the Chilean bubble where life is easy, people live at home until they’re in your mid 20-30s, have a maid and don’t have to worry about much, is a wakeup call that shows that the rest of the world really doesn’t have it like you do. Leaving the bubble forces them to recognize their privileged lifestyle and gain a degree of self awareness that many elite Chileans are sorely lacking. The 2005 study also concluded that eliminating the fixed fee would encourage competition among the AFPs while reducing AFP profits. The study predicted that AFPs would probably raise their percentage of earnings fees by 20 percentage points and would probably offer fewer products for the lower earner. If workers in general paid no fixed fee, their pensions could increase by between 15 percent and 20 percent.

The level of poverty is even more striking than in Chile considering this is the wealthiest country in the world. There are people sleeping on the streets in below freezing temperatures, people that have to work 2 or 3 jobs and stll can’t make ends meet, single mothers that have to live in shelters with their children because they don’t have a home. You see them right there, at the train station because it’s the warmer place they can find in winter, on the streets begging for money, Poverty is a reality here. Women aspire to be hookers since their early years and men aspire to steal. Even upper class chilean women have fantasies about having sex with guys who have a lot of money.

At nine hours, the gender gap in paid hours is less than half as large as the gender gap in unpaid hours. In the comparator Latin American countries, as well as the average of the OECD countries, the difference between the two gaps is significantly smaller. Mirroring the image of the adults’ representation, teenage girls do more unpaid work and teenage boys more paid work in Chile (Figure 1.13, Panel B).

In summary, a Chilean does not leave the room until they get you back as we don’t take constructive criticism at all!. Nathan Don’t waste your time trying to make understand your point of view to non-open mind people, In my humble point of view, Chileans don’t accept constructive criticism,I know that because I use to be like that 12 years ago. If you said something which makes us feel uncomfortable We just attack back, like the people here bringing the worst side from the country you are from . For instance,if you were from India they will say something stupid about the caste system. I can’t even imagine how it got so out of hand in the US, or how to fix it. Would you issue a law that all white women must have children with black males and so forth? And it would seem pretty immoral, even if the last purpose was to make a more melted society.