Operational Acceptance Testing OAT Example

A QA team writes acceptance tests and sets them up to examine how the software acts in a simulated production environment. Acceptance testing confirms the software’s stability and checks for flaws. You can use acceptance tests to determine whether a fully developed application is ready for delivery.

Operational Acceptance Testing is a very usual software testing whose type is non-functional and it is mainly used in software development and software maintenance projects. Furthermore, acceptance criteria also help to understand how well a component is built and to minimize production issues. They should be testable, clear, simple, and well-understood by everyone. Operational Testing is one such testing technique used by the team before the software system is released in the market. Therefore, to define its significance in Software Development Life Cycle , following is a discussion on the same. This type of acceptance test is also known as production acceptance testing or operational readiness testing.

Regulatory/Compliance Acceptance Testing (RAT)

It assures that the software is ready for production and that workflows exist, including maintenance processes, security checks, user training, and backup plans. Operational tests ensure that the application’s standard operating environment and components are compliant with the application’s specifications. As part of the software development life cycle phases, it is applied in a specified environment to evaluate the functionality of software systems. Acceptance criteria are a set of requirements, user needs, or business processes that determine whether or not a system should be approved.

what is operational acceptance testing

UAT testing can be defined as the user methodology in which the developed software is tested to validate that it works according to defined specifications. For decedes, Operational Acceptance has been undermined and misunderstood. Where User Acceptance has been written about and hailed as a “final phase in testing before production”. User Acceptance is but one side of the coin, Operational Acceptance is the other.

Additional need for acceptance testing

Client or business requirements determine whether it fulfills the expectations originally set in its development. Operational acceptance tests evaluate several procedures, including performance, stress, volume, support processes, security, backup, and alert detection. It should not be performed if you are not aware of the functional and non-functional aspects of the product or application. When it comes to testing, you must consider real-user environments. Therefore, use a real device cloud to test your web and mobile applications on different browsers, devices, and operating systems. Continuous quality clouds like LambdaTest can help you test websites and mobile apps on an online device farm of 3000+ real browsers, devices, and platform combinations.

what is operational acceptance testing

A successful acceptance testing with a properly identified target audience guarantees insightful feedback about ongoing issues and improvement opportunities of the system subject for testing. Describing the goals, scope, and details about the testing activities in a test https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ plan streamlines the process and makes it more efficient. There is a number of acceptance testing types differing by their function and methods of application. With acceptance testing, it is easier to find out if there are any bugs in the software before releasing it.

Smart TV Testing Cloud

An acceptance test is a formal description of the behavior of a software product, generally expressed as an example or a usage scenario. A number of different notations and approaches have been proposed for such examples or scenarios. In many cases the aim is that it should be possible to automate the execution of such tests by a software tool, either ad-hoc to the development team or off the shelf.

what is operational acceptance testing

Typically, OAT occurs after user acceptance testing and is a final verification before a system is released. OAT tests typically employ real users accessing and using the system in a live state. Operational acceptance testing is used to conduct operational readiness (pre-release) of a product, service or system as part of a quality management system. In short, by implementing operational acceptance testing, https://www.globalcloudteam.com/glossary/operational-acceptance-testing/ the team can validate the quality of the product as well as ensure optimum user experience. OAT is a common type of non-functional software testing, used mainly in software support and software maintenance projects after the execution of user acceptance testing . This type of testing focuses on the operational readiness of the system to be supported, or which is to become the production environment.

acceptance testing

Backup and recovery testing ensures that data can be safely backed up and restored in case of data loss or corruption. Disaster recovery testing confirms that the system can be recovered from a major disruption or catastrophe affecting the entire infrastructure or location. Load and stress testing validates that the system can handle expected and peak volumes of transactions, users, and data without compromising performance, functionality, or quality.

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  • User acceptance testing , also called end-user testing, assesses if the software operates as expected by the target base of users.
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  • There is a number of acceptance testing types differing by their function and methods of application.

But there are other facets of UAT that play a role in this phase of development as well. User acceptance testing , also called end-user testing, assesses if the software operates as expected by the target base of users. Users could mean internal employees or customers of a business or another group, depending on the project.

Operational Acceptance Testing or Operational Testing

This is done by performing a number of tests on the software to see if it meets the requirements of the customer. The operations team can gain satisfaction from the fact that there are proper operational manuals, adequate logging, alerts, and recovery procedures for the application. Tools for creating tests and managing their execution and results are also available. An example is Zephyr, which can be used with Jira to provide test management capabilities. It ensures the optimum user experience by validating various aspects of the software before releasing to the public. You can choose the required testing tools based on the testing scope planned in every iteration.

In regulation acceptance testing , a system is measured whether it meets legal, safety, and governmental regulations. These acceptance criteria are pre-determined and documented in a contract. Implementation of a change in the production environment will be successful and not adversely affect existing production services. The implementation should be replicable using valid documentation that includes the time required for each step, and the order of implementation. The results of these tests give clients confidence in how the system will perform in production. There may also be legal or contractual requirements for acceptance of the system.

Individual Plans

Regardless of how much time and money you spend in testing software, it doesn’t ensure 100 reliability, robustness, and error-free. Testing software in a predefined environment doesn’t ensure it will work the same in real-world settings. For IoT’s, operational testing can evaluate the product’s performance, security, accessibility, stability, maintainability, and more while it is connected to and interacts with other devices.

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